A year ago, I had blogged for fun. Then a friend of mine introduced me to paid blogging. I had not believed him at first. He said, no harm trying it out. " If you make your first 100, that is one big step into the many 100s you will earn." I didn't believed him but I signed up anyway.
I was really sceptical about all this paid blogging. I thought lots of fishy business and how can I really earn. Perhaps it's only few cents worth and it will take me as long as a decade to make a few dollars just for the benefit of some scam that benefited someone at the top.
But how wrong I was, because as soon as I sign up, it was few days that my blog got approved. I made my first $5 on July 28 with a post about sunglasses. Yes, the money is there shown on the dashboard, a virtual dashboard and I had 30 days before I could really see if that $5 will end up in my PayPal. Before the end of 30 days, I had written more jobs, from reserving jobs from the marketplace. Almost 30days and I braced myself that if this works Great but if not, a month of writing is not a waste of time. I got to read more about advertisers' products and did research to know more about it.
It was really true when the first $5 finally went into my PayPal account. You will need to open a PayPal account before you register PayPerPost, okay. So that you can have all the information required at your fingertips. Yahoo! As days passed, each job that I did was deposit into my PayPal without fail and pretty soon, I saw my first 100, 200 and it kept me going.
I took a print screen of my dashboard here. I may not have made as much as some of the full time bloggers who earn as much as 500 per month, but this is really helpful to me. It is up to you how much you want to earn.
To date: I have earn $435.75 and I still have $146.39 to be paid into my PayPal.

If you are convinced that this will work for you, I hope you will than sign up from my blog so that at least the genuine information that I have imparted works and you are being referred by me. I don't hide anything but at least I earn a small tip by being your referral.